Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
March 19, 2018

Action Item # V. - 7.

Bryan Batton, Asst. County Attorney

County Attorney - Easement Request

Issue/Action Requested:
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve an easement to Piedmont Natural Gas Company to serve Verizon in the Leland Industrial Park
Background/Purpose of Request:

Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. has requested an easement across three of the county parcels in the Leland Industrial park in order to serve the Verizon Cell Tower located on one of the county parcels. The gas will be used to power an emergency back up generator.


The easement area is within the easement already provided to Verizon for ingress, egress, and utilities.


Fiscal Impact:
Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Approved By County Attorney:
County Attorney's Recommendation:
To Approve the easement to Piedmont Natural Gas Company to serve Verizon in the Leland Industrial Park
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve an easement to Piedmont Natural Gas Company to serve Verizon in the Leland Industrial Park
Aerial of Property