Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
March 19, 2018

Action Item # V. - 12.

Wm. L. Pinnix, P.E. - Engineering Director

Engineering - Hwy 74/76 Warehouse Fire Protection Water Main Construction Contract

Issue/Action Requested:
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the Notice of Award to Carolina Civilworks, Inc. for the Hwy. 74/76 Warehouse Fire Protection Water Main in the amount of $1,015,039.00 with subsequent execution of the construction contract upon the County Attorney's review and approval of the contract, pay and performance bonds, certificate of insurance, and E-Verify Affidavit.
Background/Purpose of Request:

On February 15, 2018 a bid opening was conducted for the Hwy. 74 / 76 Warehouse Fire Protection Water Main.  A total of five bids were received and opened.


The lowest responsive and responsible bidder is Carolina Civilworks, Inc., from Raleigh in the amount of $1,015,039.00.  The project was bid Single Prime.


The engineer's bid opening report and recommendation of award is attached for Board review. 


Staff recommends the Board approve the Notice of Award to Carolina Civilworks, Inc., in the amount of $1,015,039.00 with subsequent execution of the construction contract upon the County Attorney's review and approval of the contract, pay and performance bonds, certificate of insurance, and E-Verify Affidavit.

Fiscal Impact:
Budget Amendment Required, Capital Project/Grant Ordinance Required, Pre-Audit Certification Required, Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Budget amendment and the associated capital project ordinance transfers $549,311 in reserve funds designated to the project for contract award.
Approved By County Attorney:
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve the Notice of Award to Carolina Civilworks, Inc. for the Hwy. 74/76 Warehouse Fire Protection Water Main in the amount of $1,015,039.00 with subsequent execution of the construction contract upon the County Attorney's review and approval of the contract, pay and performance bonds, certificate of insurance, and E-Verify Affidavit.
Hwy 74 - 76 Warehouse Water Main HDR Project Map
Hwy 74-76 Warehouse Water Main HDR Rec of Award and Report
Hwy 74 - 76 Warehouse Water Main _Notice of Award
20180319 Budget Amendment 74-76 Water Main Reserve.pdf
20180319 Budget Amendment 74-76 Water Main.pdf
20180319 CPO US 74-76 Fire Protection Project.pdf