Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
March 19, 2018

Action Item # V. - 10.

Brian Watts

Emergency Services - FY 2017 EMPG Supplemental Funding

Issue/Action Requested:
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the  FY2017 Supplemental Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) grant award and cost report for Brunswick County and authorize the Finance Director and Director of Emergency Services to sign the cost report associated with this grant.     
Background/Purpose of Request:

Brunswick County Emergency Services has received an additional $18,016.98 in supplemental grant funding to assist our office with developing and maintaining a comprehensive emergency management program.  The objectives that were agreed upon with the original request for grant funding have been completed and approved by North Carolina Emergency Management.  All other performance measures are included in our scope of work for this fiscal year.


We request the revenue of $18,016.98 be made available to our department for this purpose.

Fiscal Impact:
Pre-Audit Certification Required, Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations

Additional Funding was anticipated in the approved FY 18 budget.

Approved By County Attorney:
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve the FY2017 Supplemental Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) grant award and cost report for Brunswick County and authorize the Finance Director and Director of Emergency Services to sign the cost report associated with this grant.     
Emergency Services- FY2017 Supplemental EMPG Funding