Background/Purpose of Request:
A contract was approved in January with CDM Smith for evaluation of treatment methods that could be implemented at the Northwest Water Treatment Plant to remove the unregulated perfluoroalkyl (PFA) chemical known as GENX. As part of the work, CDM Smith was tasked with installing a reverse osmosis pilot plant at the NWWTP that would supplement pilot test data being collected by Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) for ion exchange and Granular Activated Carbon per House Bill 56. The work also includes budgetary cost estimates for capital cost associated with construction of the additional treatment methods as well as for expansion components to bring the treated water capacity from 24 MGD to 36 MGD at the facility. Operation and Maintenance costs are also very significant and will also be provided. This information is tailored to the needs of Brunswick County’s Northwest Water Treatment Plant; cost data cannot be directly translated for use at other facilities due to each facility’s unique existing treatment methods, expansion potential, and operational requirements.
Since GENX is currently not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there is no established Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) required by the EPA. CDM Smith was also tasked with evaluating potential treatment targets for unregulated contaminants of concern and how these affect the overall costs of treatment.
Over the last two months, CDM Smith has been working diligently to review engineering assessments and pilot studies being performed by CFPUA and others, evaluating treatment methods and associated costs, reviewing treatment goals for contaminants of concern, and performing sampling on the reverse osmosis pilot plant. This information will be presented in its preliminary state. The reverse osmosis pilot testing is ongoing and its results as well as cost estimates will be further refined and presented at the April 16 meeting. It is the goal of the study to provide sufficient information at the April 16 meeting so that staff can then proceed with designing the selected treatment improvements for implementation at the NWWTP. |