Background/Purpose of Request:
NCDOT selected 3 transportation improvement projects in Brunswick County to receive funding from the NCDOT High Impact / Low Cost Program. The estimated cost of all three projects total $1,490,000. This unexpected funding is a result of Senate Bill 257 that provided funding to each Division for projects that will have a high impact on safety and mobility. The projects are located within the Cape Fear RPO area and needed to improve public safety and mobility.
Brunswick County received the most number of projects and the largest share of the funding within Division 3. The project as are follows:
Project WBS 47783 - Install a traffic signal at US 17 and the southbound leftover onto the southern intersection of NC 87. The estimated cost of these improvements totals $145,000.
Project WBS 47879 - Install traffic signals at the intersections on US 17 at the southbound leftover onto SR 1184 (Ocean Isle Beach Road) and at the northbound to southbound U-turn approximately 875 feet northeast of the referenced intersection. The estimated cost of these improvements totals $345,000.
Project WBS 80084 - Repair flooding issues on NC 133 near the intersection of SR 1521 (Funston Road SE), approximately 1-mile in each direction of intersection. The estimated cost of these improvements totals $1,000,000. |