Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
September 16, 2019

Action Item # VII. - 5.

John Nichols, P.E.

Utilities - Receive CFPUA McKim & Creed Engineering Agreement Amendment Information and Consent to CFPUA Raw Water Main Project Award of Bid (John Nichols, Director of Public Utilities)

Issue/Action Requested:

Request that the Board of Commissioners receive information regarding an amendment to Cape Fear Public Utility Authority’s (CFPUA) engineering agreement with McKim & Creed for services associated with the design and construction of the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority (LCFWSA) 54” parallel raw water main and consent to CFPUA awarding the 54” raw water main project to the lowest, responsive bidder contingent on funding approval and direct County Manager to notify LCFWSA of Brunswick County's concurrence with proceeding with the project.

Background/Purpose of Request:

In July 2019, Brunswick County entered into an interlocal agreement with LCFWSA and CFPUA “Regarding Raw Water Pipeline Design, Construction, and Ownership” that specifies that CFPUA will manage design and construction of the project and that Brunswick County will reimburse CFPUA 63.415% of the design and construction costs of the project.  Brunswick County previously agreed for CFPUA to contract with McKim & Creed for design services in the amount of $1,560,000 with the understanding that construction administration services would need to be negotiated at a future point after the design was complete.


Design is now complete and bids were received on August 27, 2019, from five bidders.  Garney Companies, Inc., was the lowest responsive bidder at $37,203,838.  The engineer’s estimate was $62.5 million for construction.


McKim & Creed has submitted a contract amendment for $1,297,700 for construction administration services associated with the project.  Brunswick County staff and CFPUA staff have reviewed this amendment and agree that the cost is reasonable for the construction administration services provided.


Staff recommends that Brunswick County consent to awarding the construction contract to the lowest, responsive bidder contingent on funding approval (closing and delivery of bonds) and agree to CFPUA amending their contract with CFPUA in the amount of $1,297,700.

Fiscal Impact:
Budget Amendment Required, Capital Project/Grant Ordinance Required, Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Budget amendment and the associated capital project ordinance is to appropriated 2019 Revenue Bond proceeds for the Engineering contract and amendment and return advanced funding to the reserve.
Approved By County Attorney:
Advisory Board Recommendation:
Not Applicable
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend that the Board of Commissioners receive information regarding an amendment to Cape Fear Public Utility Authority’s (CFPUA) engineering agreement with McKim & Creed for services associated with the design and construction of the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority (LCFWSA) 54” parallel raw water main and consent to CFPUA awarding the 54” raw water main project to the lowest, responsive bidder contingent on funding approval and direct County Manager to notify LCFWSA of Brunswick County's concurrence with proceeding with the project.
Utilities - Contract Amendment - Attach 1
Utilities - Bid Tabulation - Attach 2
20190916 Budget Amendment Raw Water Main Engineering Amendment.pdf
20190916 CPO Raw Water Main.pdf