Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
July 6, 2021

Action Item # V. - 7.

Julie A. Miller

Finance - Fiscal Items

Issue/Action Requested:

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve Budget Amendments, Capital Project Ordinances and Fiscal Items of a routine nature on the consent agenda.


-NC Education Lottery Application

Request that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman to execute the signed North Carolina Education Lottery application. Freyja Cahill, Brunswick County Schools Finance Officer, submitted the attached State lottery funding application for $800,000 lottery funds to be used for the 2015 LOBS debt payments in FY 2021-2022.


-Airport Grant 36244.58.13.1 Grant Agreement

Approve and authorize the chairman to sign the grant agreement for the airport grant 36244.58.13.1 in the amount of $3,254,231 with a local match of $361,582. The grant and local match were approved on the June 8, 2021 Board of Commissioners meeting. This agreement provides NCDOT work authorization for West Apron Expansion Phase II (construction) under grant 36244.58.13.1.


-FY22 JCPC Funding Budget Appropriation

Appropriate state revenues restricted of $242,486 as awarded by the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council from the NC Department of Public Safety and approved at the 4/19/2021 board meeting. The following has been awarded to the JCPC Programs; JCPC Administration $7,500, Coastal ART $44,990, Guiding Good Choices (GCC) & Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) $47,289, Providence Home $20,441, Teen Court $59,141, Restitution $63,125.


-2021 Brunswick County CWRAR Grant

Appropriate state revenues restricted of $20,000 for the NC DEQ Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant approved at the 06/07/2021 board meeting.  Grant program provides funding to public recycling programs for projects to help communities build lasting capacity to divert materials from the waste stream and/or increase awareness of recycling. Grant requires cash match of 20% covered by funds in approved FY22 Solid Waste budget.  Grant period is 7/1-21-6/30/22.

Background/Purpose of Request:
Fiscal Impact:
Budget Amendment Required, Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Approved By County Attorney:
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend the Board of Commissioners approve Budget Amendments, Capital Project Ordinances and Fiscal Items of a routine nature on the consent agenda.


20210706 Attach-lottery fund application.pdf
20210706 Attach-Airport Grant 36244.58.13.1 Grant Agreement.pdf
20210706 Attach FY22 Brunswick County JCPC Funding Plan
20210706 Budget Amendment FY22 Brunswick County JCPC Funding Plan Allocations
20210706 Budget Amendment 2021 Brunswick County CWRAR Grant
20210706 Attach 2021 Brunswick County CWRAR Grant