Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
AugustĀ 2, 2021

Action Item # V. - 2.

Randell Woodruff, County Manager

Administration - Resolution In Opposition To Issuance Of Wind Energy Leases Within 24 Nautical Miles Of North Carolina's Shores

Issue/Action Requested:
Request the Board of Commissioners adopt a resolution in opposition to locating offshore wind turbines within 24 nautical miles of the shoreline.
Background/Purpose of Request:
The wind energy leases issued by BOEM for sites within County viewsheds (and as close as 10 nautical miles) still exist and BOEM has stated the leases will have no significant impact on the human environment even though "visual impacts from the installation of a wind energy facility were not analyzed." BOEM Environmental Assessment at p. 5-22. In fact, issuance of leases determine distance from shore and therefore determine the adverse visual impacts of wind turbines. Visual impacts caused by distance from shore must either be eliminated before leases are issued or must be fully analyzed in an Environmental Impact Statement before leases are issued.
Fiscal Impact:
Not Applicable
Approved By County Attorney:
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend the Board of Commissioners adopt a resolution in opposition of locating wind turbines within 24 nautical miles of the coast.
Resolution in Opposition of Wind Energy