Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
September 20, 2021

Action Item # V. - 4.

Andy Byron

IT - Sole Source Exemption for Bldg I Cameras and Complex Duress System

Issue/Action Requested:
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a sole source exemption for NC Sound to add a new camera system for Building I and to replace the duress (panic) button system for the complex. 
Background/Purpose of Request:
The duress system in the Courthouse has been upgraded. The remaining complex buildings can be integrated with the Courthouse system in lieu of purchasing an entire additional system.  It is recommended that the new camera system complement the standard that is currently in place in seven County buildings. This is needed for both items for compatibility, standardization, and potential cost savings.
Fiscal Impact:
Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Approved By County Attorney:
County Attorney's Recommendation:

Reviewed. Approved. Not yet attached in format for Board. Daralyn attaches


Completed DMS.

County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend the Board of Commissioners approve a sole source exemption for NC Sound to add a new camera system for Building I and to replace the duress (panic) button system for the complex.
IT Sole Source Resolution
Goods and Services Agreement