Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
November 15, 2021

Action Item # VII. - 5.

Michael Slate-Director Code Administration

Code Administration - Appropriation of Revenue for One (1) Vehicle for Code Administration Department

Issue/Action Requested:
Request that the Board of Commissioners appropriate revenues for the purchase of one vehicle for existing multi-trades inspector totaling $45,582.
Background/Purpose of Request:

The Code Administration Department has been operating one vehicle short of the number of inspectors employed within the department since 2019.


This is the result of two new multi-trade inspector positions being approved on 8/5/2019 without vehicles for the respective positions. Since this time, the department has been utilizing older fleet vehicles and vehicles from the motor pool fleet to allow the employees to operate out in the field. The motor pool fleet is not designed to provide a permanent vehicle for an employee, and the older vehicles from the fleet have reached the end of their use, thus the need for a long-term solution for the department and employees. 


Due to the repurposing of an existing vehicle within the fleet for the Code Administration Department, we are only requesting one new vehicle at this time.


Funding is available to support the purchase using revenues over expenditures from within the department for FY22.


Vehicle = $41,582

Equipment/Computer for Vehicle = $4,000

Fiscal Impact:
Budget Amendment Required, Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Budget amendment appropriates building permit fees of $41,600 for the purchase of a vehicle and equipment.
Approved By County Attorney:
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend the Board of Commissioners appropriate revenues for the purchase of one vehicle for existing multi-trades inspector totaling $45,582.
2021 Expedition Bid Quote
20211115 Budget Amendment Permit Fees Additional Equipment.pdf