Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
February 21, 2022

Action Item # V. - 28.

Donald Dixon

Utilities - Survey of Property - Mini Brooks Exemption by Resolution (Donald Dixon - Deputy Director-Wastewater Operations)

Issue/Action Requested:

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a resolution for exemption of qualifications-based selection requirements of G.S. 143-64.31 (Mini-Brooks act) and authorize Withers Ravenel to provide a minor subdivision survey and plat of Tax Parcel #16900001 along Old Lennon Road.

Background/Purpose of Request:

Over the past several months County staff has been negotiating with the adjacent property owners of what is commonly referred to as the I.P. South Site along Old Lennon Road to obtain property that will enable expanded access to the County-owned property for future development. The requested survey and plat development is necessary for purchase of the subdivided tract. Withers Ravenel’s proposal to provide surveying services ($8,900.00) meets the qualifications for exemption by resolution of G.S. 143-64.31. County staff recommends approval of an exemption by resolution of qualifications-based selection requirements and authorization to enter a contract for Survey with Withers Ravenel in the amount of $8,900 for the minor subdivision survey and plat development of the subject property. 

Fiscal Impact:
Pre-Audit Certification Required, Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Department processing budget transfer
Approved By County Attorney:
Advisory Board Recommendation:
Not Applicable. 
County Manager's Recommendation:
Recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve a resolution for exemption of qualifications-based selection requirements of G.S. 143-64.31 (Mini-Brooks act) and authorize Withers Ravenel to provide a minor subdivision survey and plat of Tax Parcel #16900001 along Old Lennon Road.
Professional Services Agreement