Item Coversheet
Brunswick County Board of Commissioners
September 6, 2022

Action Item # VII. - 1.

Steve Stone, County Manager

Administration - American Flood Coalition

Issue/Action Requested:


Request that the Board consider membership in the American Flood Coalition (AFC).

Background/Purpose of Request:


"The American Flood Coalition is a nonpartisan group of political, military, business, and local leaders that have come together to unlock national solutions to flooding and sea level rise. We proactively address the growing cost of coastal, riverine, and flash flooding by advocating for smarter planning and investment before these disasters strike."


The mission of the American Flood Coalition is: "Protecting communities that are vulnerable to flooding and sea level rise is a national issue that must be met with national solutions—it is vitally important to our country’s citizen well-being, economic strength, and security."


There is no cost of membership in the American Flood Coalition. It is a voluntary collaborative effort. 


A copy of the AFC Policy Booklet is attached, as is the member welcome packet and a membership resolution for the Board's consideration. 

Fiscal Impact:
Reviewed By Director of Fiscal Operations
Approved By County Attorney:
County Manager's Recommendation:


Recommend that the Board consider membership in the American Flood Coalition (AFC).

AFC Resolution
AFC Policy Booklet
AFC Welcome Packet