March 19, 2018
6:00 PM

I.Call to Order
II.Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
III.Adjustments/Approval of Agenda
IV.Public Comments
V.Approval of Consent Agenda
1.Administration - Cancellation of the April 2, 2018 Regular Meeting
Request that the Board of Commissioners cancel the April 2, 2018 regular meeting.
2.Administration - Resolution of Support for Naming a Section of I-140 for William M. Sue
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a resolution asking the North Carolina Department of Transportation to name the I-140 bridge over Hwy. 74/76 in Brunswick County for William M. Sue.
3.Administration - Proclamation of Support for Opioid Addiction Awareness Week
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a Proclamation of Support for Opioid Addiction Awareness during the weekend of April 27-29, 2018.
4.Board Appointment - Nursing Home & Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - District 1
Request that the Board of Commissioners reappoint Ms. Holly Brenneman to the Nursing Home & Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee, District 1, for a 3-year term expiring March 19, 2021. 
5.Clerk to the Board - Meeting Minutes
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the draft minutes for the February 19, 2018 Goals Workshop and the February 19, 2018 Regular Meeting.
6.Clerk to the Board - Resolution Establishing the Regular Meeting Schedule for FY 2018-2019
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a Resolution establishing the proposed Regular Meeting Schedule for FY 2018-2019.
7.County Attorney - Easement Request
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve an easement to Piedmont Natural Gas Company to serve Verizon in the Leland Industrial Park
8.County Attorney - Russell Butts Heir Property to Surplus
Request that the Board of Commissioners declare a piece of property obtained by the County through tax foreclosure as surplus property to be placed on the County's website for possible future purchase.
9.County Attorney - Deed of Dedication for Sunset Ridge Phase 4 Section 3

Request that the Board of Commissioners accept the Deed of Dedication for water and sewer infrastructure for Sunset Ridge, Phase 4, Section 3.

10.Emergency Services - FY 2017 EMPG Supplemental Funding
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the  FY2017 Supplemental Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) grant award and cost report for Brunswick County and authorize the Finance Director and Director of Emergency Services to sign the cost report associated with this grant.     
11.Engineering - Carolina Shores North Sewer SAD (29) - Contractor Final Adjusting Deductive Change Order
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the final adjusting change order with Carmichael Construction Company, Inc.,  for the Carolina Shores North Sewer SAD (29) project in the deductive amount of ($82,573.42).
12.Engineering - Hwy 74/76 Warehouse Fire Protection Water Main Construction Contract
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the Notice of Award to Carolina Civilworks, Inc. for the Hwy. 74/76 Warehouse Fire Protection Water Main in the amount of $1,015,039.00 with subsequent execution of the construction contract upon the County Attorney's review and approval of the contract, pay and performance bonds, certificate of insurance, and E-Verify Affidavit.
13.Finance - Fiscal Items

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve Budget Amendments, Capital Project Ordinances and Fiscal Items of a routine nature presented on the consent agenda.


-LIEAP Energy Program Budget Amendment

Appropriate $55,727 of additional Federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Funds for use in the Brunswick County LIEAP Program.


-Airport Grant 36244.58.10.3 and 36244.58.10.2 Grant Agreements, Resolution, Budget Amendment and Grant Ordinance.

Approve and authorize the chairman to sign the grant agreements and resolutions for Airport Grants 36244.58.10.3 in the amount of $460,982 with a local match of $51,221 and 36244.58.10.2 in the amount of $2,000,000 with no local match. The grant and local match were approved on the February 5, 2018 Board of Commissioners meeting. NC Department of Transportation split the grant into two grants in order to simplify processing of reimbursements and paperwork due to the differing local match requirements. Transfer $512,203 of funding to new airport grant 36244.58.10.3 to accurately reflect the changes from NCDOT-Aviation Division.


-Schools 2016 Bond Referendum Projects Budget Amendment and Project Ordinance

The Board of Education approved at their March 2, 2018 meeting and are requesting the Board of Commissioners to approve two transfers from the School Capital Funds held by the County for the benefit of the schools in the School Capital Reserves: (1) Transfer $2,000,000 of Sales Tax Contingency and $100,000 of Ad Valorem Contingency funds to the project for the Town Creek site work.  This advanced funding will be reimbursed with the Phase 1 GO Bond issue and funds returned to the School Capital Reserves held by the County for the benefit of the Schools.  (2) Transfer $2,840,000 Ad Valorem Contingency to project for the Town Creek unanticipated code work, unsuitable soils, grade adjustment, water pressure and gym/stage enlargement. Note that the $2,840,000 is not advanced funding and will not be reimbursed from Phase 1 GO Bond issue.

-Financial Reports for February 2018 (unaudited)

Included are Summary Information for General and Enterprise Funds, key indicators of Revenues and Expenditures and Cash and Investments. All reports provided at://


14.GIS - Street Adoptions

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the first reading of the street names and set the date for the Public Hearing to April 16, 2018.

15.Health Services - Communicable Disease Annual Report

Request that the Board of Commissioners review and approve the 2017 Communicable Disease Annual Report.

16.Health and Human Services - Health Services - FY18-19 State Consolidated Agreement Approval
Request that the Board of Commissioners review and approve the consolidated agreement for FY18-19 between the State of North Carolina and Brunswick County Health Services.
17.Health and Human Services - The Toner Exchange Contract Renewal

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the  renewal contract of $25,587 per annum for three years with The Toner Exchange.


18.Operation Services - Increase in Construction & Demolition Waste Disposal Transfer
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the increase of Construction & Demolition waste transferred to the Sampson County Landfill to 75% of tonnage from the current 50%.
19.Planning - Fee Deferral Agreement: Coastal Commons Senior Living Community Affordable Housing Development

Request that the Board of Commissioners adopt a resolution approving a fee deferral agreement related to the payment of County water and sewer fees to support the tax credit application for Coastal Commons Senior Living Community Affordable Housing Development.

20.Planning - Resolutions of Support for the NCDOT High Impact / Low Cost Projects
Request that the Board of Commissioners adopt resolutions in support of the NCDOT High Impact / Low Cost Program funding three road improvement projects to improve public safety and mobility (Projects WBS #47783, WBS #47879, and WBS #80084). 

21.Register of Deeds - Preservation of Record Books

Request that the Board of Commissioners concur and authorize removal of records from the Register of Deed’s office to the Kofile Technologies facility for a period of no more than 90 days from the approval of said Board.

22.Tax - March 2018 Releases
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the March 2018 tax releases.
1.Governing Body - Proposed Revisions to the Animal Control Ordinance (Commissioner Sykes)
Request that the Board of Commissioners consider proposed revisions to the Animal Control Ordinance. 
2.Governing Body - Resolution in Opposition of Seismic Surveying and Oil and Gas Offshore Exploration and Drilling on the Continental Shelf off the Coast of North Carolina (Vice-Chairman Thompson)
Request that the Board of Commissioners consider a Resolution in Opposition of Seismic Surveying and Oil and Gas Offshore Exploration and Drilling on the Continental Shelf off the Coast of North Carolina.
3.Governing Body - Resolution to Request NCDEQ to Require Tenants of Fayetteville Works to Cease Operations that Result in the Production of Fluorochemical Compounds (Vice-Chairman Thompson)
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a Resolution requesting NCDEQ to require tenants of the Fayetteville Works site to cease operations that result in the production of fluorochemical compounds.
4.Utilities - Draft of CDM Smith Engineering Report of Water Treatment Options for the Northwest Water Treatment Plant (John Nichols, Director of Public Utilities and Ann Hardy, County Manager)

Request that the Board of Commissioners receive information from CDM Smith regarding preliminary water treatment options for the Northwest Water Treatment Plant (NWWTP), budgetary cost information for the NWWTP upgrades, initial reverse osmosis pilot testing data, and information regarding treatment goals.

VII.Public Hearing
1.Planning - Rezoning Case Z-759 (Kirstie Dixon, Director of Planning)

Request that, after the Public Hearing, the Board of Commissioners approve First and Second Readings to amend the Official Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Map from R-6000 (High Density Residential) and C-LD (Commercial Low Density) to C-LD (Commercial Low Density) with an associated CAMA Land Use Plan Map from LDR (Low Density Residential) and MDR (Medium Density Residential) to Commercial (UDO-18-759).

2.Planning - UDO Text Amendment - Temporary Use Permits for Large Events - UDO-18-02 (Kirstie Dixon, Director of Planning)

Request that, after the Public Hearing, the Board of Commissioners approve First and Second Readings to amend the requirements for Temporary Use Permits for Large Events (1,000 Guests or More) in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO-18-02).

3.Planning - UDO Text Amendments - Solar Farm Requirements (Kirstie Dixon, Director of Planning)

Request that, after the Public Hearing, the Board of Commissioners approve First and Second Readings to amend the solar farm requirements in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO-18-01).

VIII.Administrative Report
1.Administration - Surplus Property Offers (Steve Stone, Deputy County Manager)
Request that the Board of Commissioners consider offers that have been submitted for 6 surplus parcels.
2.Parks & Recreation - Submission for Public Access Grant to Develop Brunswick Waterway Park Phase 3 (Aaron Perkins, Director of Parks & Recreation)
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the submission of a pre-application and grant application for a Public Access Grant for the Brunswick Waterway Park Phase 3.   
IX.Other Business/Informal Discussion