July 18, 2022
6:00 PM

I.Call to Order
II.Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
III.Adjustments/Approval of Agenda
IV.Public Comments
V.Approval of Consent Agenda
1.Clerk to the Board - Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Appointment
Request that the Board of Commissioner approve the selection of Deputy Willie McCrae as the Brunswick County Sheriff's Designee, left vacant by T.K. Nowell
2.Clerk to the Board - Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2022 Regular Meeting
Request the Board of Commissioners approve the Meeting Minutes from the June 20, 2022 Regular Meeting.
3.County Attorney - Northern Lights, Phase 3 & 4 DOD
Consider accepting the Deed of Dedication for water and sewer infrastructure for Northern Lights, Phase 3 & 4.
4.Finance - Fiscal Items

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve Budget Amendments, Capital Project Ordinances, and Fiscal Items of a routing nature on the consent agenda.


-Mulberry Branch WRF 0.75MGD Expansion Additional Funds

Appropriate $10,000 of additional funding in the Mulberry Branch WRF 0.75MGD expansion project for appraisal and reimbursables not included in the W.K. Dickson Contract.


-FY23 JCPC Funding Budget Appropriation

Appropriate state revenues restricted of $242,486 as awarded by the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council from the NC Department of Public Safety and approved at the 4/19/2021 board meeting. The following has been awarded to the JCPC Programs; JCPC Administration $9,100, Coastal ART $44,990, Guiding Good Choices (GCC) & Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) $47,289, Providence Home $20,441, Teen Court $57,541, Restitution $63,125.


-Mosquito and Tick State Funding Budget Amendment

Appropriate $16,000 of state funding Mosquito and Tick Suppression for continue surveillance and efforts to reduce tick and mosquito-borne diseases. Expenditures will be planned based on recommendations from Brunswick County's Vector Control Supervisor.


- American Rescue Plan (ARP) Grant Ordinances

Approve Grant Ordinances for American Rescue Plan Premium Pay and Trailwood Force Main Projects updated to reflect actual project expenditures.


-Insurance Proceeds Budget Amendment

Appropriate $23,196 of fund balance for rollover of insurance proceeds received in FY22 with repairs needed in FY23.


-Breast Feeding Peer Counselor Budget Amendment

Appropriate $5,900 of additional state revenues restricted awarded in the Breast Feeding Peer Counselor program for the FY23 program year.


-Dixie Youth Travel Restricted Budget Amendment

Appropriate $45,000 of fund balance appropriated for Parks and Recreation Administration Dixie Youth Travel restricted for Dixie Boys and Girls teams attending the world series.

5.Health and Human Services: Social Services - Annual Energy Outreach Plan
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the Social Services Energy Outreach Plan for fiscal year 2022-2023.
6.Parks & Recreation - Renewal of Memorandum of Agreement between Brunswick County Parks & Recreation and Brunswick County Board of Education

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement between Brunswick County (Parks & Recreation) and Brunswick County Board of Education.

7.Sheriff's Office - 911 Recorder Replacement Agreement
Request the Board of Commissioners approve an agreement for the purchase of the 911 Center's primary and backup recording systems to replace the existing system that is end of life. This system is valued at $181,340, is 82% funded by the State, and part of the approved FY22 budget.
8.Sheriff's Office -- GHSP LEL Grant Award Acceptance
Request the Board of Commissioners accept an award with the Governor's Highway Safety Program grant for the Law Enforcement Liaison position currently held by a Sheriff's Office Lieutenant for FY23 by signing a resolution with GHSP. The grant award is valued at $25,000 with no county match requirement.
9.Sheriff's Office -- SCAAP Grant Award Acceptance
Request the Board of Commissioners accept an award from the BJA FY 2020 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) grant valued at $15,573 with no county match requirement.
10.Soil and Water - Streamflow Rehabilitation Assistance Program Grant Award
Request to approve grant award as presented by the NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation and to delegate signature authority to County Manager.
11.Tax Admin - July 2022 Releases
Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the July 2022 releases.
12.Utilities - Grinder Pump Package Contract Approval Myers (Donald Dixon - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a contract with Preferred Sources Inc. (Myers Grinder Pumps) for purchase of grinder pump packages.

13.Utilities - Harper GC Sea Trail WWTP (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman and Clerk to the Board to execute the contract with the Harper Corporation-GC in an amount of $774,900 for the construction of the Sea Trail WWTP improvements project and associated budget amendment. 

14.Utilities - I&E Bay Enclosure (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman and Clerk to the Board to execute the construction contract with Enterprises G, Inc. for the I&E Bay Enclosures project. Staff recommends award of the project for the base bid amount of $258,340.

15.Utilities - NWWTP SCADA Tower Project (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman and Clerk to the Board to execute the construction contract with Advanced Wireless Solutions, Inc. for the NWWTP SCADA tower project. Staff recommends award of the project for the base bid amount of $182,824.00.

16.Utilities - Subsite Sole Source Ditch Witch (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the purchase of specialty products, Subsite Electronics Horizontal Directional Drill Guidance Systems, for Public Utilities as an exception to the bidding requirements in accordance with NCGS 143-129.

17.Utilities - TA Loving Co, Raw Waterline Repair Black Rock Road (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman and Clerk to the Board to execute the contract with TA Loving Company, in an amount of $127,600 for the Raw Waterline Repair at Black Rock Road and associated budget amendment. 

18.Utilities - WBR Office Tract Timber Sale (Donald Dixon - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale of timber on the West Brunswick Regional Office Tracts 41,42, and 412 as identified in the Forest Management Plan to Canal Wood LLC., in the amount of $79,143.00 and authorize the Chairman and Clerk to the Board to approve the contract.

19.Utilities - West Brunswick WWTP Drip Site Filter Replacement (Donald Dixon - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve a contract with Waste Water Systems Inc. in the amount of $143,691.00 for the replacement of one of the existing filter trains (south filter) at the West Brunswick Regional WWTP Drip Site, subject to final approval of contract by County Attorney.

20.Utilities - Withers Ravenel Navassa Waterline Replacement (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman and Clerk to the Board to execute the Professional Services contract with Withers-Ravenel in the amount of $331,000 for engineering services, construction administration, and grant administration associated with the grant funded Navassa Waterline Replacement project.

VI.Administrative Report
1.Emergency Services - IEM Services Agreement
Request the Board of Commissioners approve a Services Agreement between IEM and Brunswick County for consulting services to conduct an update of the County-wide Emergency Operations Plan and Continuity of Operations Plan.
2.Governing Body - NCACC Voting Delegate
Request that the Board of Commissioners designate Commissioner Forte as the voting delegate and Commissioner Thompson as the alternate voting delegate to represent Brunswick County at the NCACC Annual Conference in Cabarrus County and the NCACC Legislative Goals Conference. 
3.Utilities - Lead & Copper Mitigation Program (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners authorize the use of $1.4 million in County ARP funds to create and fund a Lead & Copper Mitigation Program through December 2026 and approve an associated budget amendment. The program includes approval of a full-time employee position, consulting services for creation of an inventory database, and some anticipated construction costs for service line replacement.

4.Utilities - SE Area Improvements - St. James (Brent Lockamy, PE - Deputy Director)

Request that the Board of Commissioners approve and appropriate the use of $1,930,278.37 in County ARPA funds to fund a joint water transmission project with St. James and approve an Interlocal Agreement allowing St. James to subaward $1,991,221.63 of ARPA funds to Brunswick County for use in the project.

VII.Other Business/Informal Discussion